Sunday, 3 April 2011

Happy Mother's Day - coffee machines, allotments and happiness.

I am sitting at my laptop with a mug of tea at my side typing this. It is mothers day and I have had a lovely time today. My back is sore from digging the allotment, along with most of the other muscles in my body.

I had a nice lie in this morning, dreaming of strange gifts my boys had bought me for mothers day. At one stage I dreamt they had bought me a selection of gas and electric fires ... duh?? What was that all about? When they eventually came in we had lots of cuddles and they gave me a large box. Inside it was a gorgeous coffee maker.

Its quite small and retro looking with one of those shlurpy milk frothers on the side. I have been playing cafes all morning!!!

It inspired me to tidy my kitchen so that it could sit looking all lovely and minimalist!

Then, after a lunch of French bread and garlic cheese I went down to the allotment. My old friend was down there digging and sieving, digging and sieving. You will not believe the difference in my plot.

The allotment is coming on in leaps and bounds. I had a smashing couple of hours with Len, digging and chatting. He is a great old fella - full of tales of being in the army 60 years ago and having to forage for food. We talked about all sorts of things. He is really quite amazing and is incredible for 79 years of age!! He has been working on my allotment most days, for probably 5 hours a day and you can see how he has cleared the pile of green waste. What a kind man. He just helps everyone out of the goodness of his heart. I am very fortunate that he is helping me.

I came back after a couple of hours and here I am ... sipping tea, getting ready to put my lasagne in the oven. I plan on a quiet evening in front of the tv with my boys. I just wish my husband was here. He is working today and won't be home until around 11 pm. I miss him so much when he is not here - he works so hard and I wish I could whisk him away somewhere and have him all to myself ( and the boys of course! )

So... I am going to put the lasagne in the oven, have a nice bath while it cooks and then come downstairs in my pink fluffy dressing gown to have a glass of wine infront of the telly. Life is not all bad!!!



I loved reading this post and I love that you are gardening. IT sounds so renewing and good for you. You go girl.
I ought to do something constructive like that. You can really see the progress you've made by the pics you share.
You have a great day and I'll be back again
Blessings, Barb

Caz said...

Sounds like a lovely mother's day. X

The mum of all trades said...

wow! that allotment looks like a great job!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Looks amazing!!!! /I look forward to your feedback /thanks for this man it was very helpful.

Coffee Equipment