To write down all the stuff that has been going on in my life over the last 3 weeks since I was on here last would take about 3 weeks more! We have been so busy.We had the Easter holidays which were great.The boys and I were on our own as my Man was fortunate enough to be able to fly out to Augusta, Georgia to watch the Masters. He has a very lovely friend who treated him to the week out there. They played golf, watched golf and generally had the best time ever.

We, on the other hand did not have too shabby a time of it ourselves! The boys were booked on a skiing course at an indoor snow centre, so each day we drove up there and they learned to ski while I watched them through a massive window. I sat and wrote my essay on Ibsen's A Doll's House whilst sipping lattes and was amazed to see their progress. By the end of the week they had both passed their course and are able now to ski recreationally with us.
photo of butterfly taken by #1 son
I have been really into baking during the holidays and have made a succession of delights such as cup cakes, chocolate raspberry fudge cake, Granny Boyd's biscuits and more. There is something oh so relaxing about shutting the door of my kitchen, turning on the radio and baking.I also had the girls over and made a yummy red thai curry with rice and a thai cucumber salad.
Yesterday we all went skiing as a family.It was such good fun. The boys skied beautifully.I thought that we would all start with gentle snow ploughs, curving our way down the slope, but no... my husband went first and just shot down the hill like Franz Klammer.The boys followed suit.I am pleased to say that after the initial enthusiasm they all tried hard to improve technique and were under control. I suppose boys will be boys.
So... now I am about to go and play football. I was up early to take son #1 to play his match and my Man is playing baseball as we speak. We have been snuggled watching our old home videos of the boys when they were tiny.Wow... they were so adorable.I wish I had appreciated them fully when they were young. I spent so much of my time feeling miserable because of PND that I found motherhood very difficult.It makes me want to try even harder now to be a good mum and makes their lives lovely. I am so lucky to have them.
Hello stranger - I missed you! Sounds like you had a lovely time; how is your course going?
You have been busy. Sounds wonderful.
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