Sunday, 25 April 2010

Sunday Sketches

Just a quickie as I have just discovered Sunday Sketches over at the lovely Sophia's blog, Blue Chair Diary.I love sketching, but haven't for a while. Maybe a sketch every Sunday will inspire me? Here is one I did last Summer - I hope that counts... Please go to Sophia's blog to see more sketches from other people and maybe enter a sketch yourself?


Gail said...

Your sketch is so full of motion and emotion...good job.

Andrea said...

I love it.

Heather said...

great! I really like all of your dance related art! also, love the name of your blog!!!!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful work!!! I can almost hear the music. I took ballet for 13 years when I was younger. This sketch brings back lots of memories of my dancing!! Beautiful!!

lissa said...

couldn't see the sketch very well but I like their movements

Linda E. Pruitt said...

Lovely, Just lovely!

Nicola said...

Wow this is gorgeous the movement and energy and emotion, so amazing that you've been able t capture all that with a simple sketch! Lovely!

apinkdreamer said...

it is fantastic!!!

sarah at secret housewife said...

Oh my goodness! What lovely comments! You have made my day with your kind words! I am going to come and visit over at all your blogs later on when I have finished with the daily mummy type stuff! Sarah xx

Tammie Lee said...

this is beautiful
I love the movement
grace and your drawing!