Sunday, 13 March 2011

Raspberry bushes, blackcurrants, new friends and a changing allotment.

So, you can imagine how excited I was when I went to my allotment expecting to see this...

And as I stood there wondering what to do I realised it looked like this ...

Previously I couldn't even see the back fence because of all the rubbish and after months of emailing the council to get it all taken away as they had promised ... they had come quietly and had cleared away everything!!

I was so thrilled and felt inspired to get going properly. I have been down there for the last couple of days, digging and planning. I feel as though it is all taking so long and the photos don't really reveal the amount of work I have been putting in, but I know that my method of slow and thorough will reap rewards. It may not look as though a huge amount of progress has taken place, but in my head I have a plan. Today I am going to draw it out on paper and then I will post it!!
first view 
after 3 hours work

And now it looks like this ...

My plan today is to add loads of manure to enrich the soil, keep digging, plan my beds...
There are some lovely people on the allotment site. Yesterday a couple came over and were very helpful and kind. They have given me about 8 golden raspberry plants and a blackcurrant bush!!! How kind is that??

I am so excited to be at the beginning of my allotment adventure. I have so much to learn, but that's the joy of it isn't it?? 


Gail said...

Wonderful progress!

There is nothing quite as relaxing and satisfying as playing in the rich dirt and growing your own produce.

Inkling said...

This is such fun news. And now you have so much more space! You have inspired me. My church has a farm and they've begun a community garden. I'm going to share a little 6'x10' plot with someone, and even though I don't know a ton about gardening, I'm hoping I"ll be able to make something beautiful happen like you are.

sarah at secret housewife said...

Thank you ladies!! Good luck to you Inkling - please post some photos when you get your plot?! I am so glad you are inspired! I know very little about gardening so my allotment is trial and error - a learning experience, but all good.