Wednesday, 20 April 2011

The allotment, my herbs and strawberry tarts.

Gosh I have been busy this week!! I haven't posted since last Thursday and this is mainly because the weather here has been glorious. I have been outside, either on my allotment, in my garden or out and about with my boys.

The allotment is coming along well, but I haven't taken photos this week. I will be down there first thing in the morning so I will post photos tomorrow. Because the weather has been so warm I have been going down there early each morning and then again in the evening to water both times. Yesterday I set my carrots and some runner beans. I will have to go to get some more runner bean seeds tomorrow because I ran out! L has had his hair cut and has been digging like mad. I do worry about him working so hard in this hot weather. I keep telling him not to overdo it. He just laughs and tells me not to worry.

In my garden I have been planting herbs. I only have a tiny garden, but wanted to have lots of herbs on my back yard this year a la Nigel Slater. I have a herb trough which has survived for a couple of years now with chives, sage and thyme and have planted more - lemon balm, oregano, French parsley,chocolate mint and a curry plant. I also planted 3 tomato plants and am going to set some lettuce seeds so I can have a container of mixed leaves to snip each time I fancy salad. I also put some charlotte potatoes in containers.

I have been really spoilt by my boys this week too. Son #1 offered to cook dinner on Tuesday and made us chicken pie, complete with his own homemade pastry and then eton mess. For the pudding he made his own meringue, beat the cream up and decided to add a mixture of blueberries and blackberries. It was delicious!!

I did try to persuade him to cook some purple sprouting broccoli with it to give a little bit of green, but that was a vegetable too far!!

He did, however, inspire his brother and our neighbours to have a cooking competition. They decided on a recipe for strawberry tart, put themselves into teams of 2 and had a cook off with me as judge.

They were both delicious, but I plumped for the top one as winner.

So... a pretty busy week and I didn't even tell you about our walk. I'll leave that thrill for another day - I don't want you to keel over with the adrenalin rush! I will come back tomorrow and show you how the allotment is doing...


Inkling said...

I just got an email from our community garden organizers that made me immediately want to contact you and ask you how your allotment works.

Do you use your own tools or do you use tools that belong to the whole allotment community? If you use your own, do you leave them there or do you take them home every time?

From the email, it sounds like they are thinking that we'll all just share, but I'm planning on buying new tools and am not quite sure if I'm keen on that in the chance someone isn't responsible with them. Anyway, I'm just curious how your allotment works.

If you don't want to answer on your blog, you can totally email me at saraorange1974 (at) yahoo (dot) com. Thanks! I need all the advice and guidance I can get since I've never done a garden in a public space before.

sarah at secret housewife said...

Hi Inkling! Each allotment garden is divided into areas of about 75m square. That's about 220 ft square I think.Each alottment holder is responsible for their own patch of land. We pay about £18 per year to rent it and it is up to us what we do on it.We have to bring our own tools and equipment.At the moment I take all my tools to and from the allotment as I don't have a shed. If I had a shed then I would keep everything there.We don't share tools at all.Some people are pretty disorganised and messy in their gardening and I wouldn't really trust anyone to look after my stuff. Also, if I got there and someone was using my tools how would I garden? You are supposed to keep the place in good order and if you don't you will lose your plot, but it seems to me there are a lot of people who don't put in the work!! Do please feel free to ask me anything. If I can help I will. You can email me at Sarah x

ps good luck with your garden! How exciting!! Please post some before and after photos!! xx

Anonymous said...

Hello! You have such a cute little grouping of potted herbs... it's cute and inspiring... I want to go cook right now! What a blessing to have your sons cook for you- it looks like you have some serious talent in your home! The strawberry dessert looked delish!