Eve asked me, the other day, what was a Bakewell slice and I put the recipe on my questions page. I did promise that I would post photos next time I made one and so here we go. Of course the real reason for this flurry of baking enthusiasm is the fact that I am supposed to be working on a 4000 word essay!! I have done 200 words so far...
Anyway... the full recipe is on my questions page up above, but here are my photos. I really recommend it as its easy, cheap and very scrumptious!! Let me know if you make it??
cream together ground almonds, sugar and butter.
add eggs and mix
roll out pastry ( my rolling pin was in the dishwasher so I had to use a beer bottle... )
spread jam
splodge almond mix on top
roughly fold over pastry a la rustique until it looks like this...
then paint with egg wash and bung in the oven.... it should come out looking like this ...
serve hot with custard or cream... or leave it until cold and have with a cup of tea. yum!
Thanks to Economy Gastronomy for the recipe!!
And now I suppose I ought to do a bit more of my essay before I pop over to the allotment!!
Looks great! As you know I am not a cooking kinda gal but I do quite like baking (baking as we all know involves lots of sugar and tastes better than regular cooked things!)
I last made some coconut pyramids and some lemon curd but I might have a go at this when we have some people round for dinner next month. I'll let you know how it goes down! x
Also - you missed an opportunity there as your post should have been called 'How to make a Bakewell Tart - it's as easy as pie' (boom boom!)
oh my goodness that looks delicious!
I just made my first attempt at Millionaire Shortbread...aside from a caramel fiasco, they turned out...I may depart from unadorned shortbread altogether...
Ahh!! Easy as pie!! That's brilliant and I am going to change it right now!! Thank you genius friend!!
Sarah xx
Never seen a Bakewell made like this. It's brilliant. I am definitely going to make one. Will post it when I do! x
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