Saturday, 6 January 2007


Tonight I feel sad. It is so hard to be a mum sometimes. I feel like such a crap person. It got to the end of a good day where I had taken them to football, wiped their tears,warmed them up and generally done the things you do. They were grumpy, my house was a mess and I just blew my top.

I just ranted. And now I am sad and sorry. But its too late, because I didn't count to 10 and I didn't be calm, lovely mummy. I hate being so angry. But I hate being ignored and ignored and ignored . How can the people you love most make you the most furious ?

I know that we will be ok tomorrow and worse things happen at sea, but tonight I am sad and lonely. I just want to be good mummy . And I'm not.

1 comment:

Bobby Griffin said...

Hi Sarah,

I don't see a link to my site "Bestest Blog" here on yours. Please email me back if/when you get it up! Thank you!