Sunday, 18 February 2007

Tonight I am feeling mostly fed up.............

Do you know, you just get days when you feel fed up ? I have just had enough today. I spent all day cleaning, ironing, cooking and in the end I just feel bllurrgh. As I have been ill these last 3 days I haven't kept my house nice so today was the day I felt a bit better and could catch up. Do I feel better ? No. Does my house look like a show home ? No. Have I gorged myself on strawberries and cream and feel sick as a dog ? Yes.

I know that in the grand scheme of things my life is lovely and tomorrow I will be back to chirpy, but tonight I just feel like a big, fat, blobby old mare who is bored and wants a row. So I think I will take myself away from my computer and stop spoiling your day ! N'night.


Margot said...

You're not spoiling our day, what an idea! You're allowed to feel fed up, everyone does once in a while!

Hope you feel better and all chirpy again now ;-)

Unknown said...

Awww honey. I'm coming down with something now too. It's just the time of year. Hope you feel better soon!

trixie stix said...

Feel better soon!

PS ~ I have to be honest, I have never actually watched Dr. Who. I just loved the design and the girl who was wearing them looked adorable. :-)