Saturday, 14 April 2007

Home again, Home again............

Yes, I know, I have been away for ages!! The Easter Holidays have been a whirl of Egg Hunts, and sunshine and trips to the beach. Lots of late nights, good food, good company and rather too much red wine!! Above is a view from my cousin's house in the Lake District, where we stayed. Not a lot of traffic noise here. This is Lake Windermere, about 15 minutes from the house.

This is the orchard. I had to take a photo as it reminded me of the " host of golden daffodils " and is so typical of the Lake District this time of year.

Well, I think that's it for now. I am a little worse for wear and my brain has gone to mush after a very lovely evening last night. A shocking admission!! I shall return when I am more sparkly!!


trixie stix said...

Welcome back . . . we missed you. I am very happy to hear that you had a wonderful time away. Photos are lovely!

Unknown said...

Glad to be back Trixie. I missed you too! S

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you're back! I was terribly worried about you!!! I can stop sweating now. Glad you're back.