I don't want to go into details, but....
I am a nice person. I try my best to live life without hurting anyone. I try to help where I can with as little fuss as possible. I like to laugh. At myself a lot of the time. And I try hard not to judge people. Of course, I do judge - we all do, even if we don't mention our judgements out loud.
So, it hurts me when things like this happen. I knew someone who I thought I got on with pretty well. We had a lot in common with each other. And you know what its like when you're sort of feeling your way with someone. Now I knew that this person was a Christian and obviously very serious about their faith. I respected them for that. I mentioned one day that I no longer had a faith, but that I respected theirs and thought that they were a lovely person.
And that, my dears, was that. I really hope that I am wrong, but I think I've been dumped. I don't think I quite reached muster. I think that I am not worthy. Well, actually, I think I am worthy. I'm just sad that they think I'm not. Hope I'm wrong. Hope I'm wrong. Hope I'm wrong.
Do you have to be a card carrying, go to church/mosque/synagogue every week/day person to be considered good, kind, honest, loving,loveable,worthy? Well.....?
I think that there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with not practicing a religion. Now if you don't believe in God and hell and you think that when puppies die they become bumble bees, maybe we should talk more (j/k). I don't go to church, but I still think that there is a God and if I need him, he'll be there for me. I don't believe that I need to go to "his house" every week for him to know that I believe in him. He knows...wouldn't you think? I mean, if there is a God...wouldn't he know every thought I have?
It just stinks when others want you to respect their views and ideas, but can't respect yours. A true friend and Christian, in my opinion, would accept you for who you are - lovely, thoughtful, kind, generous and of good spirit.
Also, religion/faith is a journey. It is constantly changing and evolving, so not having faith at points may be a part of that journey. There is no reason you have to go to organize religion to keep strong or be considered good, kind . . .
Don't let them get you down.
I am ranting, so I hope I did not offend anyone.
Thanks Joshua and Trixie. I hope that I didn't offend anyone either And that's the rub really - I/we don't want to offend, whilst this person( It seems to me ) has judged me immediately without pausing to wonder why I don't have a faith now,what I believed before. They are so sure in their rightness that they are not worried that they may have offended or hurt me.Now I AM RANTING!!! So I'm going to shut up.(nearly)Live and let live. Love your neighbour. Do unto others as you would have done unto you.That's ok isn't it?
And Joshua...about those bumble bees....... S
I have a feeling this is about me...if I am wrong, forgive me for jumping to conclusions. If not I would just like to assure you that I was not offended at all. I have nothing but love and respect for you. I am sorry if I hurt you by my absence.
When my computer crashed a few weeks back I couldn't blog or catch up on any. My parents gave me a new one and for some reason the security package on it kept kicking me off your site. I could get on to read for a minute or two, but never an entire post or the ability to comment.
I think I have worked out the bugs and am thrilled to catch up with your life. I understand the loss of faith (better than many people) and I belive it was a gift that I was given mine back. I am so pleased that you come by to share in my life and hope you keep stopping by. I do pray that God will bless you and keep you and yours safe.
Again, I am sorry if I hurt you or made you think less of me. You are a wonderful person!
Farm Wife, my dear Farm Wife. Welcome back and please please forgive me. I am sitting here with a big lump in my throat and shame in my heart that I could have thought badly of you. I have to be honest that I was thinking of you. It would be easier to pretend that I was speaking of someone else, but I cannot lie to you. I noticed that you stopped visiting as soon as I told you I had lost my faith and it really hurt. I didn't want to believe that you could stop coming because of that and I kept visiting you, but you didn't come back and I stewed and stewed.How stupid I feel now.I think that if it had been someone else it wouldn't have mattered, but I always felt that you and I had a connection and I so wanted, want, us to be friends.I know that I don't really know you in person, but I identify with your life in so many ways.I respect you and your faith and I am grateful that you can still think kindly of me. I am sorry to have hurt you.Your friend Sarah
Please, Sarah, know that I was in no way am upset with you. I was so worried today that you would not find my comment and still think I was snubbing you. That was never my intent. All is forgiven & I completely understand why you felt the way you did. I would probably feel the same if I'd been in your shoes. DO NOT FEEL GUILTY!!! I forbid it!!
I am so very glad we could clear the air and continue in our friendship! It means the world to me!
Your FarmWife
Farm Wife, I just feel really embarrassed now. I will learn from this and look before I leap in future. Lets not mention it again - just move on and be friends? I'd like that if you would. Sarah x
Sounds like a plan to me, girlfriend! Hope you're having a fabulous day...we're dodging the occasional raindrop & eating popsicles. Yummy!
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