I really want to write. Really want to write. My mind is full of all the things I've done over the last week or so. But I can't get the words out. Usually it all just tumbles onto the page, but this time it won't. Pesky blog.
I've been stumbling about and reading lots of other blogs and some of them are so good. I have my favourites that I read every day like Joshua and Emily, Trixie and Margot. And I've found blogs that are new to me but still enticing, like Confessions of a Pioneer Woman. If you want some great food and writing that makes you smile then visit her. It also has the added extra of photos of her hubbie, Marlboro Man, who looks damn fine on a horse!!
You know I love Alchemy Anyone for all sorts of reasons, not least the dry humour and surreal subject matter. And then there is Jane Stillwater's site for some serious comment on the Iraq war.
All in all, I am spending far too much time up here on the computer. Why don't you have a little look at some of these places ? Tell them I sent you and send my love ! And then, come back, and by then, maybe I will have unclogged my brain and found the words to tell you about football on the beach, pony riding round the fields, talking into the night round the woodburner with my lovely neighbours, and the hell that is my new diet.
What do you reckon?
I'm glad you like my blog...I'm going to have a lot more time to write about them since I am about to move. Glad you're back honey.
I am glad too that you like my blog so much... Sorry for having been so absent lately, Internet is still not reinstalled at home...
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