I had my hair done today. So obviously I am looking just GORGEOUS !! Well, maybe not that gorgeous, but certainly the extent of my black roots showing through the blonde has diminished. I had a lovely head massage, a chat and left feeling great ! So great I went and blew money on a red, short sleeved wrap over wool top. Its just fab ! And it came wrapped in tissue paper which is always a thrill. I am easily pleased!!
I have decided on a new plan to combat my ever increasing weight. Well, 2 new plans really:
- Buy bigger clothes so they don't look tight and I therefore look slimmer.
- Develop sparkling personality so people are stunned by my wit and don't look at my body.
What do you reckon ? I'm going to give them a test run and if they work I may patent them.
Another plan, which I won't have to bother with if Plans A & B work is to get fit. For this purpose I am going with my Man to Club Night at the Tennis Club tonight. This involves playing tennis with strangers. I am unsure as to their level of ability and am therefore a little nervous. Adding to this nervousness is my indecision as to what to wear ? The age old problem of every woman. Do I go for my white tennis skirt and t-shirt and risk looking a bit cocky or do I play safe and wear my old running clothes ? Will the running clothes show lack of respect ? And, I have to bear in mind that all my clothes ( apart from my new red top ) are too tight ( Plan A is only just being put into place )
This is a dilemma I have to face alone. I know that you are with me through the ether, but I'm off out in 15 minutes - too soon for internet advice to filter through. Think of me.
Personally I'm all for the buying new clothes thing. That's what they say on What Not to Wear...wear what fits & you look smaller.
Good luck with the tennis! I wish I was more athletic...but I run out of breath jogging to the mail box (when I'm not pregnant...right now jogging would be an exercise in futility).
I think you're perfect the way you are! :)
Thank you chaps !! Tennis was good as my nerves, which are usually rampant, were stilled by 3 glasses of white wine before I went on court.Have now embarked on a detox which I may well write about soon. Farm Wife, do not jog !!! You do not want to give birth quite yet !!! love
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