Saturday 17 January 2009

My husband rocks too!!!

I am still smarting from the blown up car thing ( see below) but I am moved to positivity by FarmWife ( please see my blog link below and pay her a visit... she's lovely ). She has challenged the followers, and anyone else who fancies it, of her blog to a Marriage Challenge.

For 30 days you must:

  • say nothing bad about your husband, to him or anyone else.
  • say something nice to him, leave him a note, tell him you love him each day.
Well, that's a challenge that doesn't sound too hard to me. I am married to THE BEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!! I love him and am lucky to have him in my life. So, 30 days of niceness? Can I do it ? Can I be that nice ?? I shall give it a go.

Oh, and another thing. Having arranged for friends to come round for a take away tonight and then having heard that the car had blown up I was so worried about money.Still am. But as I was getting changed out of my jeans into my running stuff I remembered that I had put a nice photo of the boys in my pocket.I reached in to put it in a little frame and what did I find ? £20!!!! I never have any cash, so I have no idea how it got there. It must have been there a long while!

But now, at least, I don't have to worry about getting milk and paying for the take away tonight. How lucky am I ??

1 comment:

Gail said...

That is the way blessings work, just when you need them.