Saturday 26 November 2011

If I could have a wish ...

If I could have a wish ... I'm afraid I wouldn't wish for world peace or an end to poverty. As I have said many times in this little blog of mine, I am really rather shallow, and I feel its only right to continue this theme. If I could have one wish granted I wish ... I wish I could sing.

Don't get me wrong, I can sing, in an ordinary mumsy kind of a way, but its nothing special. I sang in my staff choir this afternoon and had a moment of cowardice which I regret, but it comes of a lack of confidence ( completely justified lack of confidence ) in my ability.

Our choirmaster asked if I would step in and fill the gap when one of a duet had to drop out because her voice was croaky. I'm afraid I said no and suggested my friend instead.

How wonderful would it be to actually have a voice that would soar, a voice that I could be confident of, a voice that would make me confident to step forward and sing my heart out.

To hell with world peace. I want to be able to sing. I want to open my mouth and have the voice of Adele or Aretha Franklyn or Etta James ...

My husband has sung in a band recently and I have been so proud of him. When I told him and the other band members that I would love to sing they offered me the chance to try out. I turned chicken immediately! This is not through some sort of false modesty. I really don't have a strong enough voice to stand up and sing. In my dreams I do, in the car by myself I do, but other than being part of a choir ... I don't.

So ... if there are any genies out there ... any fairy godmothers ... please can I have a wish? Please can I sing with a voice that soars to the rafters, a voice that is rich with soul and strength ... ?

No?? Doh.


Lo said...

How amazing.......I have the same wish and dream. And I don't even sing in a choir.........just for me and the cats.

Pauline said...

That's on my Wish List, too. I've read that anyone can learn to sing, that it's a skill you can learn. Difficult it you are tone deaf like me but it can be done. If you are good enough to be in a choir (I'd get thrown out), I'd say go for it, find a teach and acquire that skill.

Anonymous said...

I also wish for a singing voice that doesn't make my family run from the room with their ears covered for safety.

Louise said...

I always think I sound better when singing in the bath!