Monday, 5 February 2007

Cleaned the fish, tidied the bookcase,cooked healthy tea.......pregnant ???!!!!

Well, no is the answer to that one !!! But what on earth has come over me today ? My kitchen is looking reasonably pristine compared to usually. There are roses on my coffee table, I am not shouting at the boys, I love my husband. What is wrong with me ???

I can only think that this must be a trick of my hormones. A new one to me I have to admit, but I am enjoying it. My nesting instinct has kicked in big time. The bathroom is so clean I have to wear sunglasses to go in there and we had barely eaten dinner before it was all washed up. If I could buy a fix of these hormones I would be out there combing the streets. I wonder how long this will last ?

Good news about my father-in-law. His offer on the flat was accepted so it is all going through and with luck he could be living down here by the end of March. I have never seen him so excited ! It will be great.

Now my plan is to get the boys to bed after a story ( son#2 and I are reading Harry Potter 1 and son#1 a football story, surprise, surprise ), have a deep bubble bath, possibly with candles to prevent harm to eyes from the glare of cleanliness, then " Waking the Dead " t.v detective series, 10pm bed. Of course I will attempt to plough through my book ( see below ). One day I will finish it. At least I have learned a lesson from it :

When somebody tells you they cried with laughter for 20 minutes over a book.......they are probably either lying or insane.

Night night.

1 comment:

FarmWife said...

Don't get us all excited like that! I need a dose of whatever hormone you have that has kicked in. Guess I'll just have to wait a few more months...

Congrats on FIL's new flat! I'm sure he'll be thrilled to be so close to the boys! I know my folks would be...they're 4 hours from us.