Sunday, 4 February 2007

Sunday, lovely Sunday...................

What a lovely day !! I lay in my bed dozing until 9.30 which was GLORIOUS !!! Its not often I get that luxury !! Then I went for a run. It was cold and misty today, but I love that sort of weather. I ran further than my usual 2 miles - 3.5 miles today and it felt good !! Although tonight I can feel my muscles aching.

My man made yummy bacon sandwiches for lunch and I put on a casserole for this evening. We all wrapped up warm and went for a long walk over the fields. Ohhhh!! It was great !! This is our New Year's Resolution - to go on walks on Sundays - make it a real family day. We were out for 2 hours and it was so good. The countryside is beautiful and wintry and I felt my cheeks glowing when we came back!!

I took some photos of stuff along the way which was good. I saw this spiders web in the hedgerow and was amazed that it came out on film !! Writing this blog makes me take my camera everywhere which is a good thing.

Back home we walked in to the smell of delicious casserole which I served with loads of buttery mashed potato and broccoli. Does life get much better ?!!


Unknown said...

My grandparents used to have a farm in the country. This reminds me of that. :)

trixie stix said...

Congrats on the run!

When I was young, Sunday was our family day too. No if's, and's or but's. . . I have very fond memories of those times. You and the children will make great memories to look back on.
~ L.