I have been back at work now for 2 days. I love it so much. I really missed the children during the Half Term break. I spent today making a garden centre in our Role Play Area, complete with real plants and seeds that the kids are going to plant. I also spent a while crawling under tables trying to find my little flower man's tooth that had fallen out. Found it ! I hope the Tooth Fairy comes tonight for him.
I went to watch Son#1 play football tonight under the floodlights. The coach told him he was " Quality !" I love that.
My man has been ill with my bug the last 2 days. I don't know how he manages it ( he has to be an alien ) but I came home from work and he had ( despite near death condition )
- Done all the washing
- Washed up all the dishes
- Made delicious dinner
- Started to decorate son#2's bedroom
- Tidied son#1's bedroom
- Done homework with son#2
- Made snack for son#1
Note to self : DON'T EVER LET HIM GO !!!!!
I am so glad to hear you are feeling better! Sorry to hear that your hubby has come down with it though...
I want to hear more about "Pancake Day." I've never heard of it before, but I am all about pancakes in all their forms...maybe for dinner tonight...
Hi ! Pancake Day is Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras. I think people always used up all their eggs and butter and good things in preparation for Lent, by making pancakes. Here in England we always make thin large pancakes. Some people have pancake races where they run, flipping the pancakes in the frying pan.Its really about the only day we eat them ! S
Glad you're feeling all chirpy again!
Yep,in France we have Pancake Day too, thin large pancakes as you describe...
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