Sunday, 11 March 2007


I am very happy to say that, at the moment I appear to be "bad-hormone" free, and not suffering from Lifeache in the least. I found this lovely cartoon by Michael Leunig on Lea's Blog. So, thanks to her for letting me steal it and thanks to Mr Leunig for such a great cartoon that for me really hits the spot.
I don't know if you ever saw the film "Gregory's Girl " but there is a scene in it where Gregory and his girl lie down on the grass, under a tree and dance. Silly, but so sweet. Lying on their backs, looking at the sky, dancing to imaginary music.
Sometimes I think you just need to forget about the washing, the ironing, the cleaning, the deadlines. Sometimes you need to go outside on a bright sunny day and lie on the grass, watching the clouds, listening to the birds, dancing to the music in your head.
As the cartoon says, " Lifeache cannot be cured, but you can learn to manage the symptoms"
I'm off to the garden.............................xx


Unknown said...

Good for you! You work so hard and you deserve it! :)

Lea said...

Thanks for mentioning me :-) Again, you're welcome to share Michael Leunig's beautiful cartoon, Sarah - I'm glad it helps, as it does me too ;-)

Terri said...

Well said... and just the words I needed to hear (or read, I guess) today!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you liked the cartoon - I did. It just hits a chord with me and, Terri, I'm glad you found it when you needed it. By the way I love the flowers on your blog. Very striking.Come again!! x