Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Attention! Attention! Crazy Woman Alert!!

Right, I am getting a bit pissed off with this. Its Day 5 of my Half Term Holiday and I am still miserable. Its raining ALL THE TIME, the kids are really getting on my nerves and I can't drag myself out of it. I am one angry woman. Angry, crazy, miserable, bored.

And I can't download the photo I want to put on here. DON'T MESS WITH ME BLOGGER!!! Its not a good time. I want to swear and cuss and hit things and I want to get away from all this. What is it about life ? You're desperate for kids and then they come along and your life grinds to a halt for the next 17 years. In the prime of my life - I can't go out anywhere, I have to spend my time doing everything for them, I have to cook, clean, be generally nice and I'm certainly not allowed to admit to anyone in the real world that I feel like this. Because that's not what good mummy's do. I'm supposed to worship at the piles of dirty clothes they leave strewn down the landing.

And then, when they've gone off to University I'll be old and dried out and finished. I feel that way now. Is this my hormones again? Well, if it is, they picked a crap week to show up.


emily said...

It may be hormones (yours AND mine) but I get how you feel. I think we all feel this way sometimes. But you're right, we're not allowed to say so. It'll be our secret.

FarmWife said...

I feel the same way sometimes. I love them, but they can be little monsters...and Motherhood is a thankless task. Someday we'll have grandkids & it will all be worth it!

Unknown said...

I can't even imagine how my mother felt for the bulk of her life. She STILL has a child at home...and I'm 28!

I do think, that it will get rewarding...and you'll be glad that you were a great mum. I wasn't always the greatest at appreciating it at the time...but now, I'm so thankful I had my mother at home to take care of us.

Mommy to 4 little people said...

you are not the only one who sometimes feels this way.....i think it is every mother's secret. Sometimes I say to myself..."why did I want kids???" but then I remember how empty life felt before them. Sure it was fun to go where ever I wanted and do whatever I wanted. But my life was still lacking soemthing back then and now I never have a dull moment...even though I secretly wish sometimes that I could have just one dull moment...
So chin up! It will get better. You just need a little sunshine...I hope the weather gets better.

Unknown said...

Thank you Emily, Farm Wife, Joshua and Mom to 4 little people. You don't know how much better it made me feel to read your words. Sometimes, to know someone out there cares is a very warm feeling. S