Monday, 28 May 2007

So, its like this. I've just woken up, feeling sorry for myself. Oh I'm so fat. Oh I'm so unfit. Oh I'm so ugly. Blah, blah, blah. ME,ME,ME. So I thought I'd write my blog for a bit of therapy. And I found this piece of writing that I'd squirrelled away for a rainy day. Like today. And its making me think.

My life is pretty easy really. I'm not ugly and even if I was my friends and family would still like me wouldn't they ? Yes, I'm fatter than I was , but I can still get into a size 12 ( English ). And, yes, I'm not as fit as I was, but I ran/walked 10k last weekend. So, all in all, I should pull up my socks, slap myself around the face and bloody well get on with it.

I am writing in my running kit. Its pouring with rain outside, but the minute I finish this I'm going out. I'll let you know later how it went.

And please write me a note.... I'm feeling lonely and I need a boost. I will be fine, but its nice to know you're out there.....

Thanks. Off I go now !


FarmWife said...

Here's hoping things take an upward swing for you while you're out running!

Mama said there'd be days like this...but they still suck.

Just remember, your Cyber buddies still love you!

Unknown said...

Hello Farm Wife! And thank you!! I've had a good day and my run made me feel much better. Especially as it was in the rain !! Thanks for dropping me a note. You always make me feel better, lovely girl !! S

Mommy to 4 little people said...

Yoiu left such a sweet comment on my blog so I stopped by to check out yours....I am sorry you are feeling blue today.....But remember things always seem darkest before the dawn. I can so relate to how you feel I myself have just come out a very depressed time in my life. Remind yourself of the beauty all around you and you will not be able to stop yourself from smiling.

Come back and check my blog out any time and I hope it's ok if I do the same :)
~ Jackie

Unknown said...

Hi Jackie! I'm glad you came to visit! Do feel free to pop by any time. And thanks . S