Friday, 18 May 2007

When helmets make no sense.....

I am a safe creature. I always wear my seat belt. I look before I leap and tend towards the overprotective when it comes to my children. However there are times when even I see the futility in safety equipment. There are times when you see something and wonder " why on earth are you doing that ? Why are you not at home gardening ? And why, on earth are you wearing safety helmets ? Because, frankly, they are going to be as useless as a chocolate teapot if you fall. "

Hands up for a bike ride anyone...........

Still, if you make it back to camp safely you can relax infront of the campfire and sing songs into the night........



FarmWife said...

WHAT?!?! Just why would you want to attempt biking along a clif you would certainly perish if you plunged from? I have enough trouble keeping on the road...don't even suggest this! And why would you want to sleep suspended from a rock face? If I'm opting for uncomfortable sleeping conditions, I'll just rent a room at HoJo's!

Unknown said...

They have to be clinically insane don't they ?! If I found myself anywhere near this path I would be lying on my belly.....crying and clinging to the rocks with every fibre of my being.