Monday, 4 June 2007

Crazy Woman has left the building ( for now )

Righty ho. We have resumed normal service. Thank God. That was one of the worst weeks of school holiday that I've ever had. But still. Thank you all my blog friends for your kind thoughts. That's the good thing about this place - one can empty one's head and heart of all the pent up anger and spleen, and you all understand. I don't feel judged, I feel cared for.

Thank you.

So, that being said I thought I'd show you some photos of my therapy !! This weekend was sunny and warm so I took full advantage and got out in the garden. As I've said before, when I moved into my house the garden was bare of plants - just scrubby grass and the odd bush ( which I don't classify as a plant, well, not these ones anyway ) So this is my little secret joy.


Unknown said...

Pretty pictures! Glad to see you're doing better :)

Mommy to 4 little people said...

Oh my!!! I love your garden it looks so peaceful! I wish I could grow a garden. I have a semi "black thumb"
glad you are feeling better :)
i told you sunshine is the key :)

trixie stix said...

Sorry I was AOL and wasn't a good blogging friend to support you in your time of need. I promise to do better.

The garden is spectacular! I especially love the lily photo.

Margot said...

What a lovely arden you have! How can you be jealous about mine?? I love those white flowers (on the first picture), how do you call them in English? In French and Dutch we call them respectively 'Arums' and 'Arenskelken'...

It's good to read you again... Sorry for not having been there during your crazy woman week ...

Unknown said...

Thank you Joshua !

Mommy, you were right about the sunshine ! Maybe I should get one of those lamps ?! Or move to the carribean.

Trixie, I'm glad you like the garden - and don't worry I'm fine now !!

Hi Margot ! I'm so glad you're back ! And the lilies are called Arum Lilies here too !
S xx

FarmWife said...

In the states we call them Calla Lilies (at least I think they're the same thing). I cannot tell you how enchanted I am by your garden. It looks like something out of a story book. Mine looks like a cow pasture...maybe because that's just what it is.

I'm so glad you're feeling better!

Unknown said...

Thanks Farm Wife ! We have Calla Lilies here, but I think they're slightly different to the ones in my garden. I'm so glad you like my garden!! S