Tuesday 22 July 2008

Watercolour & BBQ...

My FIL came round for lunch today. We did a BBQ which he seemed to enjoy. He is a bit of a fussy eater - being of the ilk of liking " good English food " " no foreign rubbish ". He is a meat and 2 veg man. To him the thought of pasta, rice, curry, or anything approaching such delights, is anathema. And fair enough, I suppose, as he is 81.

However, I did have a Szechuan curry marinade in the fridge which I poured all over the chicken I was BBQing. I decided not to tell FIL about this and he ate it all. What you don't know about sometimes you quite enjoy, eh ??!!

My man worked hard in the garden after lunch and I discovered the top corner of our estate ( haha ) has started to look a bit like No Man's Land in WW1. This is because my Man has planted potatoes ( a little late, I know ) and has covered them with wigwams of sticks to stop cats doing their business. Note to self: wash any potatoes harvested very well. Maybe in bleach.

I also dug out my watercolour books today. I am beginning to feel like dabbling in a little painting again. I would like to paint my garden as there are some gorgeous splashes of colour, what with the geraniums , grasses and buddleia. We shall see !!

All in all, I am enjoying having so much time to " do stuff ". My house is starting to look loved and clean again ( still some way to go, but its getting there ! ) And I am also doing stuff for me. I hope that life continues in this vein, as its rather lovely...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew there was something wrong with that bloody chicken!!!!
