Wednesday 29 October 2008

Makes you think, eh ?

I have been trying hard over the last few days to be a jolly sort of mummy. On the whole its been going quite well, but I have had my moments of gloom. The whole worry of my Man's future in his job does rather loom over us and I wonder about what I can do, how I can make more money, will we survive... and so on.

I was chatting today with my sister in law and the subject fell on a mutual friend of ours. He is the daddy of 2 young children, aged 1 and 3, and he has been diagnosed with cancer. First of the thyroid, now of the liver and face. Before he went for treatment he worked night and day to finish the alterations on his house, because he knew that, shortly, he would not be able to do them.

It has brought me up short and made me think that the things in life that really matter are not how much money we have, how many cars, but my family. My Man and my boys are everything to me. I could have all the luxuries in the world, but without m'boys they would be worthless.

My heart goes out to our friend, as would anybody's. There are times when, even if you don't know the person involved, a lump comes to your throat at the dreadful situations people find themselves in, out of the blue.


Kork said...

we watched an episode of one of the dramas we're addicted to, and it brought us up short the same way...

You just never think about the fact that tomorrow might not come, and if you do, you get caught up in the moroseness of it all...

It is hard to find the balance between being the "fun" one and being the sort of strong person that can leave an amazing legacy...

FarmWife said...

I'll pray for your friend. And thank you for the reminder to hold dear what we have for we might not have it long.