Thursday 14 May 2009

Home grown vegetables ... scrumptious! I hope...

This year in my garden I am attempting to grow vegetables.I have not got a huge amount of space so have bought some containers, in which I have planted lettuce, potatoes and mange tout.At the top corner of my garden I have dug in some potatoes.I have also bought some tumbling strawberries to put in my hanging baskets.All rather lovely, I hope you agree.I now have to just hope that its not all ravaged by slugs, snails and poohing cats!!


Gail said...

Good Luck! We have had so much rain, we cannot get into the garden. We have onions, lettuce and greens but it has been too wet to plant for over a month.

Sue Jacquette said...

I planted veggies for the first time, too. I planted tomato, cucumber and pepper... let's see!

The Girl With The Mousy Hair said...

I like you have planted peas and I relieved to see that yours look like mine. I have spent ages trying to train mine to grow up the sticks with no luck.I thought they were supposed to do this on their own but my peas seem to have stick phobia.