This is the sky over my house tonight.

and this....

and this...

This is from last Sunday....

when this balloon flew over my house....

not as exciting as some beautiful photos on the
Skywatch Friday site..... why don't you go visit??
But thanks for visiting me!!!
baloon photos are always great, aren't they?
Wonderful pics, it must have been fun to take them.
Lovely skys. The balloon photos made me smile remembering my little collie who loved to bark at hot air balloons. She could hear them coming for miles and set up a racket barking and jumping.
You know I keep meaning to do this Skywatch Friday business, but I keep missing out because, well, it's not Friday here is it ?
Your balloons bring to mind a hilarious time when I lived in the country with quite a big garden and my cat and I were mucking about in the pond, clearing weeds etc on a lovely sunny day. It was completely quiet everywhere, not a cloud in the sky.
All of a sudden, there was an American shouting "hey, good afternoon to you" - but from above ! My cat and I looked up, and there, a few metres about us, a balloon hat floated above us ! I could have given them tea if they'd hung about a bit longer.
Really it was so funny and unexpected it makes me laugh whenever I think of it.
Lovely light cloudy skies and the boldness of the balloon.
Richard Branston would be pleased,free advertising.
Thanks for sharing have a great weekend.
Your photography is very, very nice. I wish you the best with your studies. It's so worthwhile and english lit is a worthy field. You'll learn stuff that will last a lifetime and enrich your world. Keep it up!
Oh how I'd love love love to go for a ride, I've wanted to all my life!
Happy Sky Watch Friday & Have a wonderful weekend!
Beautiful shots, what a wonderful balloon
Beautiful Sky Watch series.
Nice virgin balloon! ;)
Delightful skies, and I love the title of your blog, everyone needs a private life and space,
Hi Sarah. Great Photos. Was it Richard Branson? If he comes over your house again can you ask him if I can get an upgrade.
Have a great weekend .xx
Beautiful, peaceful skies...
I love the balloon ones. It's always exciting to see balloons floating overhead..
I have some balloons as well :-)
Nice shots..
Great sky images!
Really beautiful photos!
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