Sunday, 19 September 2010

The Allotment Story continues.

I have just come back home from a lovely and satisfying hour and a half digging on my allotment.I wandered down there by myself having done all my jobs and dug, dug, dug. Having said that it doesn't actually look as though I have dug anything at all, but I really have! There are so many grass roots that need to be dug out, it takes a long time to do it properly.

our plot when we first saw it

the rubbish we have dug out

As you can see we have found an incredible amount of absolute rubbish. We have done our best to move most of it to one side, but it is impossible to do much more without help. The lady from the council promised that she would have workmen remove the stuff if we showed that we were doing our best to get the plot cleared. Let's hope she keeps that promise.

more rubbish
the pile of green rubbish people have dumped
as it looks right now - getting there!

a lot to do, but its enjoyable!!

I met my allotment neighbours too. A nice young couple who were very friendly.Also had another chat with the indomitable Daphne - an allotment veteran and all round giver of advice.She could possibly compete at the 2012 Olympics if there was an event that involved talking with taking breath.I now know everything there is to know about her health, past and present.She does seem very nice, so I am being mean to mock.She also criticises everyone's allotment technique when they are not actually there, so I am sure she has a few words to say about our jungle!!

I can't say how much I enjoyed digging  it today.There is something so therapeutic about physical work in the out doors, with the birds singing and nobody else around.I am going to post this and go down there again now.One day it will be a proper allotment!!


Anonymous said...

You'll have it looking wonderful in now time. Yes, there is something special about working outdoors with the birds singing and the silence of the countryside ringing through your ears.

CJ xx

Marlene said...

It is coming along beautifully. You are very dedicated to take on such a huge job. Your reward will also be huge.

Orchids & Observations said...

You are doing a great job, the grass is always enemy number one as are thistles on our allotment. Tis very rewarding and after 4 attempts at sowing carrots this year I now have rows of fluffy green tops! We also have an "expert" on our allotment site that we always nod along sagely with, but have a quiet cackle about later. I always make a point of saying “yes I’m sure that’s the way it should be done, but I’m going to have a go at doing it this way” I’ve proved them wrong a few times so have scored a few points back.

Gail said...

Maybe it is not just the allotment you are there to tend. Your kind words will take root and grow with your new garden.

Caz said...

I'm sure it's going to look gorgeous. The weather looks nice there at the moment. Happy digging!