Sunday 7 November 2010

The good the bad and the ugly - a combination of Jamie's 30 minute chicken pie and footballing misery...

Its been one of those funny old days. You know the ones that are sprinkled with the good the bad and the ugly? I suppose the good was a combination of things, including the fact that I did lots of work towards my next essay - this time about self control in Jane Eyre. Probably the best though was my Jamie Oliver chicken pie which I cooked from my new cook book 'Jamie's 30 minute meals' - the man is a genius!!

It was so quick and easy to cook but absolutely delicious - made even more so by the fact that I had to go next door to bake it. Our oven is broken and my lovely neighbour let me borrow hers. This is one of the good things about living in close proximity to ones neighbours! If we lived in a huge house down a long drive my pie would have been cold by the time I got home. This way we practically live in the same house...

The bad part of the day was the fact that my son played football.... or should I say, was supposed to be playing football. My husband took him there and the coach made him sit on the bench for the whole game. My Man had to walk away without saying anything to the coach because he was so angry and didn't trust himself to be civil.

What is it with these people? He does not play for Arsenal youth or England schoolboys. He plays for a local team and we pay £150 per annum for the privilege. This entitles him to play in every match as far as I am concerned - maybe not the whole match, but at least some of it, hopefully a half.My son dealt with all this very well. I was proud of his composure and dignity. My husband plans to phone the coach and politely ask the reason for him being left out. I can see no reason as they were winning 2 -0 by half time and ended up winning 3-0.

The ugly part of the day was probably the general grumpiness of all of us this evening.It was a domino effect caused by lack of sleep, football ( Arsenal lost too, you know)and refusal to do trumpet practise.I tried to remain chirpy, but in the face of general sulkiness and misery I surrendered and joined the mass throngs of pouting lips and grouchiness.

I won't linger on the ugly side of matters. I prefer to think about Jamie's chicken pie really - the glorious puff pastry, the creamy, mustardy tender filling... I think I may be falling in love with him!! If only I can get my oven mended I will venture into the realms of pear drop tarts - now that's a scrumptious thought to go to bed on...


Anonymous said...

Jamie Oliver is my hero too - his chicken pie (that takes longer than 30 mins to make) is one of our favourites. His breakfast pancakes are great & easy to make too. Mind you - I would've though a broken oven meant dinner out instead.

Trish said...

Apologies - it was my team that beat Arsenal ;-)

Gail said...

Tomorrow will be better.