Sunday, 17 June 2012

BritMums Live 2012

This time next week BritMums Live will be over. I will be back home. Its funny isn't it how you look forward to something for so long and sometimes with real trepidation and then ... bosh ... its over. Still. its not over yet and as the conference approaches I am both excited and nervous.

I have never been to any sort of conference, never mind a blogging conference. They have arranged all sorts of amazing speakers, workshops and welcoming groups. I am sure that I won't be the only person to be heading there by myself and I know that there are plans to welcome and integrate all us newbies. But still ... I just dread walking in and feeling like a numpty.

Do you know what I mean? The feeling that everyone else knows everyone and they all are arranging to go out for dinner and talk blogs together ... The worst thing would be to feel like a real Johnny no mates ... the odd one in the corner. I'm sure I won't, after all I am ok at chatting to people ... sort of ...

Anyway, what I want to concentrate on is making other people feel at home. Maybe I'll see if there's anyone there I recognise from BritMums - I'm sure there will be. The best scenario will be that there are just loads of like minded women who are easy going, friendly and we just chat and chat. After all, we all are interested in blogging and, to be honest, there's nobody in my 'real' life who blogs. The other day when I mentioned that I was going to a blogging conference one of my friends said "A what? What's blogging?" I did feel a bit geeky ...

Still. I am going to learn about all sorts of blogging related things and I believe there will be cake ... and beer ... and possibly wine. I'm having my nails done the day before and am planning what to wear. If it comes down to it the worst thing that can happen is that I get to watch what I want on the telly in my room with room service chips and mayonnaise.

Now I'm feeling a bit shallow.

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