Wednesday, 13 June 2012

BritMums Live and The Brilliance in Blogging Awards 2012 ... I'm a Finalist!!

I have been blogging now for about six years ...  and a bit. For the last year or so I have been involved with the BritMums site - a place for parent bloggers of all shapes, sizes and philosophies. I sort of fell into my involvement there, drawn in by the friendly, easy to use site and the huge variety of discussions and debates, advice and friendship going on there. Now I am a regular visitor and have even been given the job of meeting and greeting new members - something I love doing!

One of the BritMums groups is a video blogging or vlogging group and from time to time I would dip in, taking part in the monthly vlog challenge. My efforts are 'au naturel' to say the least. I have taken their advice on 'tidy background', face the light ... after all who wants to see some old bag with her knickers hanging on a radiator in the background, rambling on in half shadow? But the heady heights of film editing and the placement of titles, sub-titles or other high tech 'stuff' have so far escaped me.

So you can imagine my absolute astonishment to discover that I had not only been nominated for a Brilliance in Blogging Vlog Award, but had reached the Finalists bit!! I am totally chuffed to pieces, but at the same time somewhat bemused. The 7 other vloggers who are Finalists are really rather good. I have wandered over to their sites and watched their videos which, frankly, leave me feeling a little sweaty. They are good.I feel a bit like someone who has wandered into a wedding without an invite and wearing a velour tracksuit where all the other guests are confidently and elegantly wearing Armani!!

If you would like to have a look at my fellow Finalists and their video blogs then this is the place to go and this is who they are! If you are a fellow finalist ... Good Luck!!!!

Cheetahs in my Shoes: @cheetahsinshoes
Chez Mummy: @Chez_Mummy
Geek Mummy: @geekmummy
Juggle Mum: @businessmum
Really Kid Friendly: kidfriendly_uk
Snuggle Bubby: @snuggle_bubby

So I suppose now I should go and try to make a vlog, or maybe cook tea.Or maybe sort out my outfit for the Awards Ceremony ... OMG!! I am going to an awards ceremony!!! And I'm a finalist!!


Nicki said...

That's awesome!!! Congratulations!!

little fashion rocks - blog name available said...

Well done and very best of luck. Speech ready (just in case)?

sarah at secret housewife said...

Thanks!! I don't think I need to worry about a speech though!!x