Sunday, 25 November 2012

A promise of a Christmas Cake recipe.

Thank you for all your support, fellow bloggers, after my last post. I absolutely love this aspect of blogging - the community of people from all over the world who appear in your moment of need and leave a friendly word, a hug through the ether. I wrote my last post so that I could go to sleep and when I woke in the morning I discovered my in box full of lovely messages and comments. I can't thank you enough!

I thought that a small way to thank you would be to share my Granny's special Christmas Cake recipe ... no don't laugh!! I was looking through my Mum's "Wilsher Recipe Book" this morning and came across the Christmas Cake recipe. My Mum, some years ago, gave each of us, her 4 children, a notebook with all the family's best recipes written down. Its a brilliant food bible full of memories from childhood ... Wilsher Apple Chutney, Raspberry Steam Pudding, Flat Meat Pie ... and among all these recipes is Granny Wilsher's Christmas Cake recipe.

So ... my plan is to cook it, take photos and then share them on here along with the recipe and instructions so you too can sample Granny's famous cake. Well ... I say famous ... its not really, but its an old family favourite!! Now, I am not a food blogger, but I love cooking and I hope you will like this cake.

I was on Twitter earlier this morning and @AnEssexWife tweeted that she had been dancing around her kitchen with her children as they stirred and baked their Christmas Cake together. It reminded me so much of my childhood memories - warm kitchen, carols on the radio and my mum baking mince pies, making Christmas puddings and Christmas cake. The smell of cinnamon and brandied fruit heavy in the air, candles in the front room and a log fire crackling in the hearth used to make our Christmas magical. I know its a month off, but by giving you this recipe now you will have time to bake.

If you come back tomorrow I promise I will have the recipe, ingredients and photos up. If you are coming later I will post a link on here too!!

And again, thank you for your blogger friendship xxx


Urban Cynic said...

This is the only time that I wish I had kids (the rest of the time I'm relieved as you know) I don't have any Christmas rituals like this - in fact I don't have one passed down recipe at all.

My Mum is a truly dreadful cook and (as you also know)I have no interest in cooking whatsoever. I kind of like baking which is different, but it is a bit of a shame that I don't have any passed-down recipes. Although saying that, because I have no kids, there'd be nobody for me to pass them on to anyway!

Caz said...

Your childhood Christmas sounds wonderful! My Mum also gave me a book filled with favourite family recipes and I plan to give my own to the kids when or if, they move out! Such a great idea. Can't wait to see your Gran's Chrissy cake. xx