Wednesday, 17 January 2007

How lucky am I ?

Do you know I am back on track now. And I want to say a big Thank You !!!! to the kind people who visit my blog and leave such lovely comments.

Last night I was really down and within 2 minutes of writing my blog I had support and care flowing in from the other side of the world.

I felt very privileged and very touched that people cared enough to write.

It restores my faith in Humanity that a stranger can see another stranger in trouble and will take the time to care. It makes us all part of a big invisible family of which I am very glad to be a member.

My little boy has been more loving to me today than ever before. Lots of cuddles. I think he is feeling guilty !! It just made me so happy to take him in my arms for a Squeezer Geezer.( That's what he calls his special hugs)

This is one Secret Housewife who sends good thoughts and wishes out to you, wherever you are.

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