Sunday, 22 April 2007

A glorious day..............

You know, there are days when you feel like you are climbing a mountain? Days when you keep on trudging..on and on.......and on....... And there are days when you feel that actually, you've made it to the top and there lies the earth in all its glory before you? Well, yesterday was, for me, one of the " I've made it to the top and now I can stand and admire the view!" days.

My Man is off this weekend so I don't have to worry about keeping the kids quiet so he can sleep. And, what is more, we can all enjoy the weekend together. Like a normal family. Both boys had football matches, but amazingly they were at the same place, one after the other - so we could all watch both games. Brilliant! And it was sunny! Even more brilliant! Then, after a quick lunch, both boys went off to a joint birthday party - sports all afternoon. My Man and me? Well, we gardened in the sunshine - weeding, painting the fence, mowing the lawn. With the odd cup of tea occasionally thrown in ( not literally!) Bliss!

Our garden is not a sprawling estate as you can see. But its ours and when we moved in it had no plants - nothing - just mud and brambles and yuk. I have planted every plant, dug every bed. Believe me I still have plans - its a work in progress - but I love pottering about. And yesterday was so enjoyable. When the boys came back we sat together and watched Dr Who ( a family favourite )

And then, when they were tucked up in bed, worn out from the day, my Man and I sat outside and ate a scrumptious dinner by candlelight, warmed by the fire of the woodburner. I cooked oven roasted red pepper stuffed with tomatoes and goats cheese with a drip of balsamic vinegar. He cooked baked potatoes, oven baked chicken with sweet chilli and green salad. We talked and gazed into the fire then to bed with crisp clean bed linen. Delicious.

Its not often that I get days like this. Usually there are bits and bobs of loveliness intermingled with worries and irritation, but today....... I climbed my mountain and stood proud with my family to look at the view. Glorious!


FarmWife said...

I am still here...I promise I haven't been avoiding you. I kept getting kicked off your blog before it finished loading. Something in my new computer I think. It's working now and I am so glad to see your lovely garden!! Our yard is a huge sprawling field...complete with cows and not that attractive. Yours is a little bit of heaven!

emily said...

How nice to have a day like this. You're very lucky.