Now, I know I said that I was going to be an Earth Mother type - growing my own lettuce and cucumbers and all that jazz, but this going too far. There I was this afternoon, out in the garden, weeding, pruning, generally working far harder than is my usual predilection when.......
Out pops this little chap. And when I say little I don't actually mean little. I am trying to spare the more sensitive of you from the fact that he was ginormous!!! Yes, I know far too much use of italics and exclamation marks, but its my blog and I can do that if I want.
To be honest, I am not afraid of frogs, in fact I rather like them. But not when they stealth jump. Thank God I was wearing my fetching green gardening gloves or I may even have touched him.Obviously his heart was beating at a rate too, but he was far cooler than me. He sat still whilst I ran shrieking round the garden.
On a completely different note ( pardon the pun ) I have started playing the piano again. I am not good and have absolutely no natural talent, but I am almost as obsessed with the pianoforte ( as we musical types prefer to call it) as I am with blogging. What with this and that my Man is close to giving up on me and my backside will soon be wider than a barn.
Note to self: GO RUNNING.
Every time we go walking and happen to encounter a frog, I jump a mile and generally shriek very loudly. Meanwhile, my husband laughs at me and walks away. Sigh. It's not like the frog is going to hurt me...
Music is great. I just recently got my trumpet back...although, I need to practice tons! :)
My brother-in-law plays the trumpet! S
Good luck with the piano. Maybe we could hear some on your blog one day? :-)
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