Sunday 7 October 2007

That's it..... never again.

I don't drink really. I am usually the appointed driver and to be honest I don't like getting tipsy, never mind drunk. My mum drinks too much and there is no way I want to go down that route. I have, maybe, 1 or 2 glasses of wine a week and that's not every week, just sometimes.

Last night I went to a quiz night and none of us had to drive so I thought I would have some wine. I hadn't eaten much during the day, but had some chilli before we went out. I drank too much and my God do I feel bad today. I hate this!! I am annoyed that I drank so much and what is worse there were lots of people from work there. Not that I did anything outrageous, but I did giggle a bit too loudly and I did squeal when I got answers right. Grroooaaannnn!!

I may have to resign. I hate this!! So that's it. At least for the rest of my marathon training and hopefully forever I am not going to drink booze. It is evil and I feel like death.


FarmWife said...

I hope you recover soon! I've never been a big drinker, partly because I've never really developed a taste for it, and partly because I'm terrified to throw up! :)

Mum's the Word said...

Well, I hope you feel better and at least you didn't have to take your kids to the fair and whimp out on the rides because you felt so horrible like I did the day after my birthday!

Unknown said...

Oh! The thought of fair rides !! Horrible!!

Unknown said...

Oh, don't be as dramatic as I am! Haha. You shouldn't be afraid to cut loose! :)