Saturday 1 November 2008

Eyeball Pavlova and Halloween ...

We English may be a little behind on the art of enjoying Halloween, but in this household we did our very best to have a good time last night. The boys dressed up and went trick or treating, coming back with about 3 tons of sweets. My Man took them round the neighbourhood while I stayed at home ( dressed very becomingly as a witch ) to hand out sweeties to children who came to us.
My lovely sister-in-law organised a party which was great, so we went round there and had a lovely time. The boys especially as she had organised lots of games. One of the games was wrapping each other up as mummies, in loo roll. Good fun, but the lounge looked like Armageddon when the boys had finished !!

I made chocolate brownies for the feast and a rather ghoulish Eyeball Pavlova ( meringue covered in cream, raspberries and lychees stuffed with blueberries and jam ) It tasted nicer than it looked !!
My Man and I sipped very strong Bloody Marys ( yum, yum ) and all was rather good. Around here ( as I am sure it is in the USA ) the atmosphere was of friendly neighbourhood coming together. A super duper evening was had by all !!


Gail said...

This is the way to celebrate!
Absolutely love the creative.
All the wonderful memories you have made.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I love that you dressed up to hand out candy. . . made it so much more fun. And that cake is just plain gross. Love the pumpkin, spooky eyes.