Saturday 7 April 2012

The allotment latest.

I went down to the allotment today and put more gravel down on my pathways. I also planted some herbs ( sage and thyme ) in what will be my permanent herb bed. Then I planted a few more Charlotte potatoes in one of the big beds.

Everything is in the quiet stage, just before the whole place starts bursting with growth and greenness. I sat on my bench and surveyed my grand estate with much satisfaction!!

I have planted runner beans which await germination on my window sill and there are carrots in my big blue tub. Not long now and the allotment will be thriving with greenery. Fab!


Inkling said...

I love it!!! It would be so fun to garden together. I'm still waiting to hear if I get the two plots requested in our community garden this year. Here's hoping! I'd LOVE to have a permanent spot belonging to me like you have. It is going to be so fun to see how your allotment grows this season! I hope you have so much fun!

oh, and p.s. I hope your boys figure out that the laundry basket lid actually is movable. =)

Kat Sighs said...

What an amazing allotment! It's so tidy and organised. (I take it there are no men allowed in the area? lol) I am just starting to sort out our garden and if it looks half as decent as these pics I'll be happy! Love Kat x